I present some of my latest findings for your perusal.
'Meals Made Simple' - see it's a whole cardboard box full of bacon. Not sure what meal this actually purports to simplify, unless there's a 'bacon tea' or 'late bacon supper' that i'm not aware of.
I thought this was a nice, vivid example of the kinds of food portions one can buy in the U.S. I did purchase a sandwich similar to the one on the right whilst in Canada, something called a 'dagwood'. It cost $5 and took three separate eating occasions to ingest.
Well, at least someone's trying.
Ah, Scripture Tea. That's what you need to answer all of life's curly questions - such as "What on Earth possessed me to buy apricot flavoured tea bags?"
The people who manufacture "Bod" body sprays perhaps took the premise "really smell like a man" a few steps too literally. Giant, walking on the moon type steps, that is.
I'm not sure what is more disturbing; the out-an-out gall of "Black", or the unpleasantness conjured by "Really Ripped Abs". And don't get me started on the pet-rid trigger applicator.
And as always, there were terrible shoes.
More to come.
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