Some people are still struggling with the concept of smooch in visual form. Thankfully, contributor See-J Juan had recently visited the established emporium that is "Dress Smart" - keep that moniker in mind when viewing these examples:
This is smooch.
This... ...what ever this is... smooch.
This is smooch (in concept and execution, how does it even work in a way that provides any challenge).
This is a cart. Of smooch. Quite the effort of sourcing on this one.
This is... well, you can see it's a packet of tasty, spicy Cock™. It's smooch too.
Nick writes: "Hey TV3 news, your trailer for Green Lantern is actually just a fan trailer from YouTube. P.S. stop broadcasting stuff off YouTube the resolution is terrible. Also, facts... please."
Here we have a guest post from Happyjack, who I feel has encapsulated the spirit of the site beautifully. These photos are from the Auckland Street Style event that took place recently.
"Of course I, you, and everybody we know needs a pair of Pajama Jeans. They are comfy and roomy and true to size. They slide on like butter, wear like bowl of fresh cream. I put on a nice blouse, and I'm pretty sure I could actually go on a job interview like this and nobody would know the difference."
I will personally get hired to the same company, ascend the corporate ladder ahead of (shan't be hard, clearly they'll be immensely lazy), then resoundingly fire anyone who thinks it's okay to turn up to a job interview in the clothes they sleep.
Acceptable wear only for the most frugal of hobos.
Thanks to T Lungz for sourcing this amazing item of smooch.