Monday, June 27, 2011

The lives of young NZers as told by goons

Some acquaintances of mine, Appleseed and Dunny D, are in the business of making tunes about the futility of New Zealanders, be they "celebrities" living above their means, or the average youth, desperately trying to live out a life they see from overseas media.

This one is called "The Bitchuation" - content may offend, so if you are mild-mannered, perhaps give this one a miss.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

So Busy Now Days


Would you let the same person who helps you with exterior maintenance and water blasting also shoot and edit any video work you may also require?

I've heard of jack-of-all-trades before, but this is a step too far.

Thanks to P. Starr for the contribution.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Friday, June 10, 2011

Irked Theater Texter in the Magnited States

Top tip: Asshole or not, don't leave voice messages when drunk, pissed off and completely in the wrong to begin with.

Big ups to Ms Ace for this one.

Social Tattoo

A 27-minute infomercial for "The Gathering of the Juggalos"

Oh yes, it's that time again folks.

Skip ahead 6 or so minutes until the voiceover man gets going for the real good stuff.

Thanks to Slonz for the find.