DETAIL OF AUCTION: "I met a giant on tunnel beach in Dunedin. On the east coast. He said I could have the shoe as long as I gave him one of mine to remember me by. I only had an oneill 3/2mm surf bootie but this was exzactly what he wanted as he was getting sick of having wet shoes all day so this suited him perfectly. The end
HUUUGGEEE Vans novelty shoe!
Right shoe.
Size US 66.
Old slip-on check classic.
Great condition. Hardly worn ha.
This shoe is huugge!!! Looks sweet and the detailing is amazing. Looks exzactly like a normal size 9-10 shoe.
Any questions just ask."
PRICE: AUCTION CLOSED. Reserve not met. (What a surprise - Ed)
BUT ...WAIT...
"The Item was sold to another member"
They must have bartered a deal. I wonder if they reduced the price due to the mysterious staining, or perhaps the buyer wanted the fluro yellow Bic pen thrown in too.
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: Question: omg very big feet i am size 18 biggest feet around in the wairarapa wow these will put mine too shame lol big feet = ? gudluck on sale (-; goodjah (143 ) 12:05 pm, Mon 14 Jun
Answer: Haha sweet bro! 12:14 pm, Mon 14 Jun
And then.....
Buy it for your sweet LaEvelyn or JaSapphire today.
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