Pet animals.
Rather than see these as domesticated animals, who's purpose is to provide company and good feelings to humans, people ever so increasingly treat these animals as though they were actual humans.
But not just human acquaintances which they treat as equals with equal respect.
They seem to treat them as very feeble humans, such as a newborn baby or a quite elderly person.
I find this irksome.
However, I find the products sold by and to these sorts of pet owners, truly amusing.
See here:
Colour-coordinated pillows
There are several varieties of these dogmess devices on offer. A mere $150 US for the "system" and you can piss away another 65 buckaroonies for a replacement piece of fake grass for your pooch to poo on.
Oh, because one of my main fears at might is the condition of my pet's neck. Must remember to book my shitzu in for a shiatsu.
Steps OR the ramp. So versatile. You could just use your hands, but no, pay $200 dollars instead.
I mean, come on.
Ah this baptismal pet font is a particularly bold offender. Water's unpleasant taste? It's a cat, it drinks out of muddy puddles and licks its own bum. It is not a creature alarmed by unpleasant tastes.
"Turn the entrance to the corner and no one will know."Cats already find it humiliating going to the toilet, now you want to make it contort around a fake pot plant because you don't want people to ask about why the fake pot plant's pot has a door in it? How is this in any way a convenience?
Pets. They are like babies.
The middle product boasts it can rid pets of their "tear stains", I kid you not.
Handy if there's another blitzkrieg, your pet has its own camp stretcher. The pet will probably have better canned food than you though.
Pet Wheel-Away. PET WHEEL-AWAY. Are you laughing? Because I am.
That step-by-step pet potty training DVD must be obtained for comedic worth.
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