A form of the running joke that evolves over the telling.
Unfortunately there is over-emphasis placed on milking these often funny moments as fars they will go.
Often until someone tries to profit from them.
That's when it gets smooch.
Here's an example.
Here we have a supermarket cleaning sign that somebody has doctored to make a "300" joke. It doesn't make me laugh, but I can see the humour, imagination and the effort made here. Commendable.
However....someone else had to take it too far.
Because this is a joke you need to wear?
Because this is a joke with legs?
Because this is a joke that gets funnier with every telling?
None of the above.
It's because someone thought there was money to be made.
They've taken all the spontaneity out of it.
And haven't they done the shoddiest, most slap-dash attempt at designing it?
Why is the top of the triangle touching the T in "Caution"?
Just look at the people!
I mean, come on. The guy with the magic marker had better sketching skills, especially when it comes to the depiction of human beings.
The one on the shirt looks like an amputee being assaulted by Gumby.
But anyway.
Smooch. As. Hell.
Cease and desist from this sort of activity. Let the people have their jokes and let the joke die.
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